What is the Difference Between DKP Sheet and Galvanized Sheet?

What is DKP Sheet?

DKP sheet is the products obtained by applying heat treatment to hot rolled steel. The thickness of DKP sheets varies between 0.25 and 2.00 mm upon request. Then what is the difference between galvanized sheet, which we always hear, from DKP sheet? We give the answer to the question in the rest of our article.

What is the difference between DKP sheet and galvanized sheet?

Galvanized Sheet Different from DKP sheet, they are carbon steel products coated with zinc on both sides. The purpose of the galvanizing process is to increase the corrosion resistance of the base metal by using zinc or aluminum-zinc coating as a sacrificial cathode. The sacrificial cathode corrodes, protecting the substrate steel against corrosion. The difference between DKP Sheet and Galvanized Sheet is entirely due to the steel structure. While heat treatment is applied to the steel in DKP sheets, hot dipping is performed in galvanized sheets. Hot-dip galvanization is the process of coating iron or steel, which is melted at 460 degrees and passed through a zinc bath, with a layer of zinc. This is exactly the difference between DKP Sheet and Galvanized Sheet. We mostly encounter galvanized sheets in usage areas, where rust resistance is required.

Usage Areas of DKP Sheet and Galvanized Sheet

Galvanized sheet is used in many sectors such as entrance doors, villa doors, fire doors and automotive, where Kurtoğlu Çelik Kapı is an expert. It is also preferred in HVAC systems in ventilation systems when necessary. In addition, the area of ​​use in electrical boxes and prefabricated structures is quite wide.

DKP sheets are in a very wide position on the basis of usage area. It is used in many sectors such as the automotive sector, the production of durable household appliances, the manufacture of parts that require deep spinning, and industries that require high durability. In addition, it is frequently preferred in kitchen tools, white goods production and office furniture that do not cause loss of nutritional value. In the focus of usage area, the difference between DKP Sheet and Galvanized Sheet emerges.